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Working remote in Charleston, SC


Working remote | Image via Pexels

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Hi Charleston. 👋 Let’s talk about working remotely.

A lot of companies these days are offering more flexibility as far as the ability to work remotely. There are potentially a handful of reasons why companies would allow their employees to work remotely – citing increased morale, the increased flexibility to take care of children, less stress, the chance to live in a different place than where your company is based, there’s even evidence to suggest that people who work remotely make more money. Research is also being conducted on the positive impact working from home has on rush-hour traffic.


At least 3.7 million U.S. employees are working from home ~50% of the time. That’s a lot of people.

But we’re not here to sell you on the idea of working from home.

We want to know – do you work remotely?

And, if you answered yes to that question – do you work remotely for a company based in Charleston or a company based outside of Charleston?

AND if you work remotely for a company based outside of Charleston, where is the company you work for based?
