#Asked: How to find a doctor in Charleston, S.C.


Image: Pexels

It’s inevitable – we all get sick sometimes. From dealing with the day-to-day stressors, to coming in contact with other kids at daycare, to the forecasted flu season, there will be a time in your life where you need to connect with someone in the medical field.

But perhaps you’re new to the area, or you’ve got something going on that your primary care provider is not equipped to handle. What resources are there to find a doctor in your area that meets your needs?

Personally, I was lucky, having had moved here from NYC with a doctor who had taken a position at MUSC Health. He had a plethora of knowledge + connections in every department at his fingertips. It’s always great to have someone on the “inside.” Not to mention their stress-free move guide.

However, that’s not always the case. #Adulting consists of setting up appointments for your yearly physicals, teeth cleanings, sight checks, + more. For those without a personal connection, we’re asking you to assist us in creating a guide on where to find doctors here in Charleston. From pediatricians to podiatrists, we want to know what sites, groups, or connections you have to the medical field. Who’s your primary care? Where did you find your specialist? No matter the field, let us know how you came to be under the care of your healthcare provider, so we may pass along the information to those wayward souls with the non-stop runny noses.

What are your go-to resources to find a doctor in the area? Where have you personally found your medical provider? Let us know in the comments.