Let’s get right to the point: We are proud to deliver free, relevant local news that you look forward to each morning. Our readers’ dedication + engagement allows us to do what we love, and we want to say thank you.
As you can imagine, it takes work to make this happen. A lot of behind-the-scenes effort goes into making sure we keep you up to date with everything going on in our community. Long story short: It’s not an easy task, but it’s one we love doing.
We believe access to important local information should be free for all… that means no pay walls, and we intend to keep it that way.
By becoming a CHStoday member, you’ll secure a member-exclusive Shoutout (150 characters in our newsletter) in 2023 and have access to additional benefits, including new features as they roll out in the coming months.
Here are some Shoutout ideas:
- An endearing note to your significant other (an early Valentine’s Day surprise, perhaps?)
- Information about an upcoming event (calling all community leaders — this one’s for you)
- Celebrate a friend (we’re thinking a birthday or congratulations on a new job)
Join our membership program today to snag your Shoutout.
We also wouldn’t be here without all of our advertisers. Thank you to all of our partners for making 2022 the best year yet. To show our appreciation to the local business community, if you mention this story and sign a advertising contract with us between now and the end of the year, we’ll add two free banner ads to your contract.** If you’re interested in working with us, head over to this page to learn more.
Thank you for being a reader and supporting our mission,
-Alexandra Garian, Tatum Jacaruso and the CHStoday team
**Minimum contract value needed to be eligible for promotion. Please inquire through our advertise page and mention this article for additional details.