What do the Holy City + Spoleto, Italy have in common? The two might seem completely unrelated, but they are actually sister cities. 🇮🇹
What’s a sister city?
According to Sister Cities International, “A sister city, county, or state relationship is a broad-based, long-term partnership between two communities in two countries. A relationship is officially recognized after the highest elected or appointed official from both communities sign off on an agreement to become sister cities.”
Why have sister cities?
The idea is to cultivate international relationships while having the opportunity to explore different cultures + stimulate economic development. Spoleto became Charleton’s sister city in 2008 + the Holy City shares a major festival with Italy.
The Festival of Two Worlds (founded in 1957), an annual summer event held in Spoleto, Italy, has a “sister event” called Spoleto (founded in 1977). The name for Spoleto pays tribute to the location of the Festival of Two Worlds. The American version — Spoleto Festival USA — is held right here in Charleston every year.
Why is the Spoleto Festival held in Charleston?
The location of Charleston was selected by founders Menotti, Christopher Keene + others due to its historic charm, wealth of theatres, churches + performance spaces. They were able to capture the spirit of Spoleto, Italy in the Lowcountry.
Want more sister cities?
Charleston’s other sister cities include Panama City, Panama, Speightstown, Barbados, Freetown, Sierra Leone + Doha, Qatar.