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South Carolina’s tax-free weekend 2019


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South Carolina’s tax-free weekend is coming up + the last thing you want is to get to the register, with a long line of possibly irritable shoppers behind you, and find that the bill is a lot bigger than you expected, because — oops — those items aren’t actually tax-exempt. 🤦

So we’ve got the quick + dirty details that, ideally, will make the experience better. ⬇️

🛍️ So, when is it?

This year’s tax-free holiday is Fri., Aug. 2 through Sun., Aug. 4. During the Sales Tax Holiday, some back-to-school essentials are exempt from the state’s 6% Sales Tax (and applicable local taxes).

🛍️ And what’s exempt?

Generally, clothing, accessories, shoes, school/art supplies, bed/bath, + computers are tax-exempt. A few examples are: calculators, daily planners, lunch boxes, pens, laptops, printers, apparel, shoes, swimwear, belts, school uniforms, coats, + more.

🛍️ And what’s NOT exempt?

Here are a few things that are not exempt: Jewelry, sporting equipment, wallets, musical instruments, eyeglasses, furniture, sleeping bags, cell phones, cameras, + items put on layaway..

🛍️ Can anyone take advantage of these deals?

Yup. While parents + students often find great back-to-school deals, anyone can buy items that qualify + save.

🛍️ But can I shop online in my pajamas?

As long as they are on the list of exemptions, you won’t have to pay taxes when shopping online.

Confessions of a Shopaholic .gif via GIPHY
