Today, you can take part in the 11th annual Turkey and a $20 donation drive. One80 Place, a local shelter and community kitchen, is working to collect monetary donations, grocery store gift cards, and holiday proteins like turkeys + hams.
To participate, head to 35 Walnut St. between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to donate. If you can’t make it in person, you can donate online. One80 Place aims to raise $75,000 and collect 180 $20 grocery gift cards and 100 turkeys and hams. The group says every dollar collected goes to those in need, whether that’s through the community kitchen and food rescue program or their client housing plans.
Lara LeRoy, Chief Development Officer of One80 Place says, “We are proud that we served over 90,000 meals last year out of our community kitchen.” LeRoy says, “The community’s generosity is critical to reaching our goal of $75,000, which will provide thousands of meals over the course of the year.”
If you are looking to volunteer or give back in person, there are opportunities to do so at One80 Place, like serving a meal in the Zucker Family Community Kitchen. Pro tip: sign up early. Dates on the calendar tend to fill up fast.
On Thanksgiving, there are still opportunities to help your community. The Turkey Day Run is looking for volunteers. When you sign up, you can choose to represent one of the 37 organizations or charities listed. One80 Place is a part of the Turkey Day Run Charity connection. The more volunteers an organization has, the larger the donation the organization will receive.
The Middleton Place Foundation has partnered with One80 Place to help feed those who need a helping hand this holiday season. The Middleton Place is collecting canned goods and other non-perishable foods to donate. A donation will score you $5 off adult general admission into Middleton Place. The offer is only good if you buy your tickets in person and last through next Thursday, Nov. 30.
Keep the giving season spirit all year long, and check out 38 volunteering opportunities in Charleston.