Want to speak up about important issues in Charleston, but not sure where to start? We’re here to fill you in on attending and participating in City of Charleston council meetings, FAQ-style.
Can I attend a city council meeting?
Yes, city council meetings are open to the public.
When and where is the next one?
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9 at 5 p.m. Head to City Hall, located at 80 Broad St.
Can I watch council meetings online?
Yes. Visit the City of Charleston’s YouTube page to watch past and upcoming meetings.
Who are the council members?
Check out the list of Charleston’s current council members.
What’s next Tuesday’s meeting about?
The agenda for Tuesday, May 9 includes items like a presentation on program initiatives for veterans and an update on the Rethink Folly Road project. Visit the Agenda Center to view past and upcoming meeting agendas.
Can I speak at the meetings?
Yes, but you need to sign up first. You can request to speak in person at the council meeting until 5 p.m. at the meeting location and request to speak virtually by noon the day before.
Note: The citizen participation period is a half hour and is limited to the first 30 people, with priority given to those residing in or have a business license with the City of Charleston.
I can’t go on Tuesday. When are the next meetings?
Upcoming city council gatherings will take place on Tuesday, May 23 and Tuesday, June 20. Download the full 2023 schedule.