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Do you know how your DNA affects your health?

Meet In Our DNA SC, a new community health research project led by MUSC Health.

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MUSC Health

Get the details on your DNA thanks to this new community project launched by MUSC Health.

Photo provided by MUSC Health

Learning about your DNA may help improve access to personalized health care and support new research discoveries for our community. Enter: In Our DNA SC, a large-scale, first-of-its-kind community health research project that has been launched by MUSC Health.

This research project is part of the Helix Research Network, a leading population genomics company that combines the genetic and health information from health partners across the country to power genetic discovery. All information is held in a secure, privacy-protected database, and over time, this information will help researchers learn what may cause certain diseases, how to treat them more effectively, and ways to improve the standard of health care for all.

The goal: For 100,000 South Carolinians to join the project (at no cost ) over a four-year period. Currently, in year two, there are over 25,500 people enrolled.

The program is open to SC residents ages 18+. Potential participants can sign up and consent online.*

Learn more + enroll