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First City-wide trivia in Charleston

Harry Potter lovers... this one is calling your name.

Harry Potter trivia in Charleston

Start re-watching the series to brush up on your facts.

Photo provided by The Becket Agency

Beginning July 12 to August 21, seven bars in the Holy City are teaming up create the largest trivia event the city has seen. The trivia theme will be on the Harry Potter series and each bar will focus on a different movie/book from the collection.

Participating bars: The Alley, Uptown Social, Red’s Ice House, Bay Street Biergarten, Rusty Bull Brewing, and Share House.

  • The finale will be at Music Farm on Monday, August 21, and will include a wizard and witch-themed dance party.

You can join as teams of two to six and play over the seven week tournament on Wednesday nights. Points will stack up each week and carry on with the team for the next session. Weekly prizes of $150 in gift cards will be awarded and $1,050 in cash will be given to the top three teams at the finale.